Monday, April 1, 2013

My story...condensed into 600 words

I am not like many high school students. My high school experience has been everything but normal. I have had to overcome pain, frustration, and having everything I valued as important to me taken away. When I started freshman year, I had it all: looks, brains, talent, athleticism. My personality was molded into what the world wanted to see. But I was spiritually broken. Two months into freshman year, I got two severe concussions in one weekend. Pain, headaches, and medication became daily vocabulary words. Academics became nearly impossible. Reading and writing were chores that I avoided at all costs. Every day, I suffered debilitating headaches. I was spiritually broken before, but now I was emotionally and physically broken as well.
As the school year went on, my condition became worse. The doctors diagnosed me with a severe case of Post-Concussive Syndrome. Supportive friends grew tired of helping me with homework. Teachers started asking me why I even bothered coming to school. I got special treatment during tests, homework extensions, and excuses from class often, and other classmates began to comment, as if they were jealous of me. Many asked why I wasn't healed yet, like I knew the answer to that. I felt so alone, so lost.
Every day, I silently suffered, questioning God and trying to reason with Him. I convinced myself that I was a pretty godly person. I did all the "Christian" things I should do. I believed that my injury was all for nothing, and I hadn't learned anything through this.
Over the summer, I had recommitted my life to Christ, which was becoming an annual happening, unfortunately. I would go to summer camp, be filled with the Holy Spirit, come home, and go back to my old ways. When I started school that fall, I felt something missing. My head was pretty much the same, though the three therapies I went through during the spring and summer helped a little bit. My friends came back from the summer break and were more ungodly than ever, even the "Christian" kids.
Through a series of God-given events and opportunities, I began attending Christian Heritage Academy Upper School on October 23, 2013. I loved it. I felt connected socially, academically, and, mostly, spiritually. My family saw a change in my behavior almost instantly.  I listened to them, respected them, and got along with my siblings. I paid attention and learned during family devotions, instead of rolling my eyes and not caring. My mom and I listened to Christian radio in the morning ride to school instead of country music, much to her delight. I thought before I spoke, prayed often and hard, and wanted to please God in everything I did.
Now, looking back on last year, I can see why I had my accident. I don't question God, but I obey Him. His plans are much better than mine will ever be. If I didn't receive my injury, I wouldn't be where I am today. I would be playing varsity soccer at my old high school, partying, slacking off academically, and disobeying God. My life would look so good from the outside, but be so broken on the inside. I am so thankful that the Lord led me from my plans and guided me to His path for me, a path that I can have confidence in and security.
My high school experience has been a roller coaster ride, but without everything, I wouldn't be who I am today. And I will be eternally grateful for that.